Tuesday, October 30, 2012

second generation friendship

the whole family flew to cebu last weekend to attend my bestfriend's daughter's birthday. i wouldn't want to miss it for the world. i think me and tet-tet are MFEO to be friends. we both went to the same school but we were not batchmates. she's two years younger than i am. i think we started to become friends when we bacame buddies during a dance workshop in Kalipayan Dance Company. we were the youngsters in the company then. but became really close during college days when she transferred to cebu and stayed in the same dorm as i was. we did everything together. and shared adventures and misadventures in life together. and the rest they say is history.
single and carefree days
see? even our destinies are aligned. we married a year apart. and got pregnant 2 months apart.
tet during rhiane's baptism, me during nina's birthday
running buddy..we were each other's maid of honor
nina and rhiane "talking." i really hope our kids will be best buddies too. they even have a resemblance. during rhiane's christening nina was mistaken to be rhiane. and during nina's birthday some guests greeted rhiane a happy birthday thinking rhiane was nina! Cute!

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