Monday, February 28, 2011


i just turned thirtiesh.. i'm not much of a birthday thing kind of girl. for me its just any ordinary day only it marks the day when you're mother let you out to see the world. i seldom make plans on that day.. but still it makes you feel special when you're close friends and acquaintances take time out to send a greeting or two.. so to everyone who remembered..thanks muchos!
but what made it more special when the hubby made a trip to Cebu just to be with me on this day.. haba ng hair! actually, he's suppose to come on a Saturday but he had an activity at work so he didnt make the last trip. so he somehow made it up by coming over on a Sunday. he arrived at 4pm then rode his return trip at 10. bongga! baga la hin kumadto ha dagami! hehe..nevertheless, he sure did put happy on my birthday.. its a very good feeling to know you are loved!

and for the first time, he bought this couple shirt and asked me to wear it! sweet!

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